Tag: Events

Manchester Flower Festival 2023

During the Spring Bank Holiday, I had the priviledge of representing the RHS at the annual Manchester Flower Festival. 

Over the weekend, our main focus was promoting tickets to RHS Flower Show Tatton Park and encouraging visitors to explore the beautiful RHS Garden Bridgewater in Salford. Our stand was a collaborative effort with Northern Flower, a local florist based in the Northern Quarter of Manchester. Their stunning floral displays were, inspired by the history of the city and in celebration of the LGBTQIA+ community.

The flower festival was a huge success for the RHS, with hundreds of people taking photos in front of our flower wall. We handed out over 400 packs of free sunflower seeds to children… or anyone who wanted some!

It was also lovely to hear from so many RHS Members about their love for Bridgewater and Tatton, and the RHS’s increasing presence in the North. I felt very proud to work for a charity which does so much for the local community!

Photoshoot at RHS Glow 2022

In November 2022, I organised my first photoshoot on behalf of the RHS brand team. 

In preparation, I created a survey which I shared with local RHS Members and garden visitors, collecting volunteers to model in the shoot. We selected a family of four and two couples/a group of friends – two target audiences for our Glow campaigns. 

Capturing RHS Glow comes with its own unique set of challenges. As our photographer explained to me, even hundreds of years of camera development can’t always replicate what millions of years of evolution have done for our eyes! 

On the day of our photoshoot, the event was already open, which meant setting up shots around a stream of visitors. Whilst the misty weather created a gorgeous atmosphere in the garden, it did pose some technical challenges for our photographer. It was also our first time shooting with younger children — who were not used to standing very still in front of the camera with a slow shutter speed! 

However, great teamwork helped us overcome these difficulties and the shoot was both a huge success and a great learning opportunity. We captured some amazing photographs to use in marketing the event for 2023, but also took away some key ideas for future shoots. For example, for shoots we think might be more challenging, we’ll hire professional models who have more experience on set. And when working with families and younger children, it’s helpful to have a secret pack of Haribo to hand…